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【处理量】: 250-800t/h. 咨询获取报价 拨打热线 15838176062 下载产品画册. 首页 > 成套设备 > 履带式固废移动破碎站. 关注洁普. 分享 44. 11. 产品简介. 在追求高效率、高 GPC履带式固废移动破碎站, 建筑装修垃圾破碎机 - 洁普 ...【处理量】: 250-800t/h. 咨询获取报价 拨打热线 15838176062 下载产品画册. 首页 > 成套设备 > 履带式固废移动破碎站. 关注洁普. 分享 44. 11. 产品简介. 在追求高效率、高
了解更多生产能力 :85-650 t/h. 应用范围 :履带式移动破碎机广泛应用于各种采石场、垃圾处理场、煤矿破碎、混凝土搅拌站等场所。 适用物料有建筑垃圾、混凝土、玄武岩、花岗岩、粉 履带式移动破碎机-履带式移动破碎站-河南红星矿山 ...生产能力 :85-650 t/h. 应用范围 :履带式移动破碎机广泛应用于各种采石场、垃圾处理场、煤矿破碎、混凝土搅拌站等场所。 适用物料有建筑垃圾、混凝土、玄武岩、花岗岩、粉
了解更多产品特点. 高效、可靠的JC系列颚式破碎机,配置排料口控制系统。 专为移动设备设计的GPF及HPF重型棒条给料机。 可折叠料斗挡板,降低运输高度。 适用单台破碎或多段破 MT履带式破碎站产品特点. 高效、可靠的JC系列颚式破碎机,配置排料口控制系统。 专为移动设备设计的GPF及HPF重型棒条给料机。 可折叠料斗挡板,降低运输高度。 适用单台破碎或多段破
了解更多履带式移动破碎机. 生产能力 :40-650t/h. 给料粒度: 10-1200mm. 适用物料: 建筑垃圾以及分布地不固定的石料破碎加工。 设备配置: 根据工艺订制生产配置。 在线咨询. 产品介 履带式移动破碎机,可自行移动的破碎生产线-红星机器履带式移动破碎机. 生产能力 :40-650t/h. 给料粒度: 10-1200mm. 适用物料: 建筑垃圾以及分布地不固定的石料破碎加工。 设备配置: 根据工艺订制生产配置。 在线咨询. 产品介
了解更多山美MP-J系列履带移动颚式破碎站采用移动破碎技术设计和制造,能够满足客户的移动破碎要求,改变您的盈利模式。 山美MP-J系列履带移动颚式破碎站可以应用于: 矿物和硬岩 履带式移动破碎站-履带移动式破碎机厂家价格-上海山 ...山美MP-J系列履带移动颚式破碎站采用移动破碎技术设计和制造,能够满足客户的移动破碎要求,改变您的盈利模式。 山美MP-J系列履带移动颚式破碎站可以应用于: 矿物和硬岩
了解更多履带式移动破碎站. 进料粒度. ≤800mm. 生产能力. 50-650t/h. 点击咨询 获取优惠报价. 适用物料: 花岗岩、玄武岩、岩石、石灰石、石英石、煤矸石、建筑垃圾等物料。. 应用范围: 履带式移动破碎站-履带移动破碎机-河南红星机器履带式移动破碎站. 进料粒度. ≤800mm. 生产能力. 50-650t/h. 点击咨询 获取优惠报价. 适用物料: 花岗岩、玄武岩、岩石、石灰石、石英石、煤矸石、建筑垃圾等物料。. 应用范围:
了解更多【生产能力】: 90 — 450t/h 【应用领域】 : 该机型广泛应用于矿山矿石破碎、建筑垃圾回收、建筑骨料生产、高速公路、铁路、道桥建设等行业。 履带移动式破碎机_履带式移动破碎站_履带式/履带 ...【生产能力】: 90 — 450t/h 【应用领域】 : 该机型广泛应用于矿山矿石破碎、建筑垃圾回收、建筑骨料生产、高速公路、铁路、道桥建设等行业。
了解更多2019年10月31日 大型移动碎石机,时产量达到500吨,轮胎、履带两种行走方式 - 知乎. 破碎专家. 破碎机、制砂机、砂石料生产线的干货分享,大家共同探讨学习. 在各大砂石厂 大型移动碎石机,时产量达到500吨,轮胎、履带两种 ...2019年10月31日 大型移动碎石机,时产量达到500吨,轮胎、履带两种行走方式 - 知乎. 破碎专家. 破碎机、制砂机、砂石料生产线的干货分享,大家共同探讨学习. 在各大砂石厂
了解更多Our Bulletin 800T/H 30 mm Operators are designed and constructed to perform in the most demanding industrial environments. Bold yet functional, rugged yet attractive, our operators represent the world's most innovative and unique offering. Contact a Distributor Find A Sales Office. Get Support Find a Product Partner. 800T/H Operators Allen-Bradley - Rockwell AutomationOur Bulletin 800T/H 30 mm Operators are designed and constructed to perform in the most demanding industrial environments. Bold yet functional, rugged yet attractive, our operators represent the world's most innovative and unique offering. Contact a Distributor Find A Sales Office. Get Support Find a Product Partner.
了解更多A 1 800T-XA – – B 1 800T-XA 1 800T-XA H 2 800T-XA 1 800T-XA C 2 800T-XA 2 800T-XA Special selector switches in this publication have catalog numbers based on the modular catalog number system. The modular system provides a broad choice of operators and cam codes and complete flexibility in contact block selection. Refer to the following ... Bulletin 800T Watertight/Oiltight Selector SwitchesA 1 800T-XA – – B 1 800T-XA 1 800T-XA H 2 800T-XA 1 800T-XA C 2 800T-XA 2 800T-XA Special selector switches in this publication have catalog numbers based on the modular catalog number system. The modular system provides a broad choice of operators and cam codes and complete flexibility in contact block selection. Refer to the following ...
了解更多Red 800T-N159R 800H-N112R 800T-N301R 800T-N209R 800T-N306R White 800T-N159W 800H-N112W 800T-N301W 800T-N209W 800T-N306W Color 800T/H Push Button Color Caps, Illuminated 800T/H Pilot Light Color Caps Glass Caps for 800T Mushroom Jumbo Mushroom Standard9 Push-to-Test9 18 mm Pilot Lights Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. Bulletin 800T/H 30.5 mm Push ButtonsRed 800T-N159R 800H-N112R 800T-N301R 800T-N209R 800T-N306R White 800T-N159W 800H-N112W 800T-N301W 800T-N209W 800T-N306W Color 800T/H Push Button Color Caps, Illuminated 800T/H Pilot Light Color Caps Glass Caps for 800T Mushroom Jumbo Mushroom Standard9 Push-to-Test9 18 mm Pilot Lights Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat.
了解更多800T-FA22A 800T-FB16A 800T-FC16A 800H-CRB16A 800H-CRA22A 2 N.O. - 2 N.C. 800T-FA22F 800T-FB16F 800T-FC16F 800H-CRB16F 800H-CRA22F No Contact — 800T-FA22 800T-FB16 800T-FC16 800H-CRB16 800H-CRA22 Consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor for other operator types and combinations. Bulletin 800T/H Specialty Operators800T-FA22A 800T-FB16A 800T-FC16A 800H-CRB16A 800H-CRA22A 2 N.O. - 2 N.C. 800T-FA22F 800T-FB16F 800T-FC16F 800H-CRB16F 800H-CRA22F No Contact — 800T-FA22 800T-FB16 800T-FC16 800H-CRB16 800H-CRA22 Consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor for other operator types and combinations.
了解更多Technical Data. PUBLICATION NUMBER. 800-TD009. 800T PB, 30mm Selector Switch, 2 Position Selector Switch, Standard Cam, No Guards - on Terminals, 1-NO 1-NC Standard Contacts, 1-NO 1-NC Standard Contacts, 1-NO 1-NC Standard Contacts, No Block In Position 4, Standard Knob Maintained, White Insert, Device with Packaging. 800T-H2H Allen-Bradley - Rockwell AutomationTechnical Data. PUBLICATION NUMBER. 800-TD009. 800T PB, 30mm Selector Switch, 2 Position Selector Switch, Standard Cam, No Guards - on Terminals, 1-NO 1-NC Standard Contacts, 1-NO 1-NC Standard Contacts, 1-NO 1-NC Standard Contacts, No Block In Position 4, Standard Knob Maintained, White Insert, Device with Packaging.
了解更多800T PB, 30mm Selector Switch, 2 Position Selector Switch, No Guards - on Terminals, No Block in Position 1, No Block in Position 2, No Block in Position 3, No Block in Position 4, Device with Packaging. Lifecycle status: ACTIVE. Find a Distributor. to avoid the risks of unauthorized and counterfeit products. 800T-H31 Allen-Bradley - Rockwell Automation800T PB, 30mm Selector Switch, 2 Position Selector Switch, No Guards - on Terminals, No Block in Position 1, No Block in Position 2, No Block in Position 3, No Block in Position 4, Device with Packaging. Lifecycle status: ACTIVE. Find a Distributor. to avoid the risks of unauthorized and counterfeit products.
了解更多800T PB, 30mm Selector Switch, 2 Position Selector Switch, Standard Cam, No Guards - on Terminals, No Block This Position, No Block In Position 2, No Block This Position, No Block In Position 4, Maint., Lock - Both, Std. Key, D018 (Std. Key), Device with Packaging. Learn how to avoid the risks of unauthorized and counterfeit products. 800T-H33 Allen-Bradley - Rockwell Automation800T PB, 30mm Selector Switch, 2 Position Selector Switch, Standard Cam, No Guards - on Terminals, No Block This Position, No Block In Position 2, No Block This Position, No Block In Position 4, Maint., Lock - Both, Std. Key, D018 (Std. Key), Device with Packaging. Learn how to avoid the risks of unauthorized and counterfeit products.
了解更多Our Bulletin 800T/H 30 mm Operators are designed and constructed to perform in the most demanding industrial environments. Bold yet functional, rugged yet attractive, our operators represent the world's most innovative and unique offering. Contact a Distributor Find A Sales Office. Get Support Find a Product Partner. 800T/H Operators Allen-Bradley - Rockwell AutomationOur Bulletin 800T/H 30 mm Operators are designed and constructed to perform in the most demanding industrial environments. Bold yet functional, rugged yet attractive, our operators represent the world's most innovative and unique offering. Contact a Distributor Find A Sales Office. Get Support Find a Product Partner.
了解更多The Bulletin 800TC-XAF Explosion-Protected Contact Block is a robust solution for Class I Div. 2 environments, especially for E-stop and high- vibration applications where typical reed switch solutions are undesirable. Emergency Stop Applications – The magnetically operated design of reed switches prevents their use with emergency stop devices. 800T/H Explosion-Protected Contact Block - Rockwell AutomationThe Bulletin 800TC-XAF Explosion-Protected Contact Block is a robust solution for Class I Div. 2 environments, especially for E-stop and high- vibration applications where typical reed switch solutions are undesirable. Emergency Stop Applications – The magnetically operated design of reed switches prevents their use with emergency stop devices.
了解更多30mm Contact Block 2-NC 800T PB. Lifecycle status: ACTIVE. Find a Distributor. Learn how to avoid the risks of unauthorized and counterfeit products. Find Product Drawings. Add to BoM. Get Support. 800T-XA4. Find a Distributor. 800T-XA4 Allen-Bradley30mm Contact Block 2-NC 800T PB. Lifecycle status: ACTIVE. Find a Distributor. Learn how to avoid the risks of unauthorized and counterfeit products. Find Product Drawings. Add to BoM. Get Support. 800T-XA4. Find a Distributor.
了解更多800T units with 800T-XA contacts have ratings as follows: Standard Contact Ratings Adjustment range: 0.515 s ± 25% thI= 5 A Time Delay Contacts Maximum thermal continuous current Ith 24 A. Pilot Duty — 120V AC, 12 A; 24V DC, 10 A Motor Ratings — 120V AC, 1.5 Hp; 240V AC, 3 Hp; 24V DC, 10 A FLA/60 A LRA MaxDuty Contact Rating 800 T – HA 2 A800T units with 800T-XA contacts have ratings as follows: Standard Contact Ratings Adjustment range: 0.515 s ± 25% thI= 5 A Time Delay Contacts Maximum thermal continuous current Ith 24 A. Pilot Duty — 120V AC, 12 A; 24V DC, 10 A Motor Ratings — 120V AC, 1.5 Hp; 240V AC, 3 Hp; 24V DC, 10 A FLA/60 A LRA MaxDuty Contact Rating
了解更多800T/H Color Insert Kits Available on Selector switches with removable color inserts. Standard knob and knob levers use the same insert. If color Allis selected, a packet of color inserts will be furnished which includes one of each color. Color Insert kits can also be ordered with operators at no additional charge. Red 800T-N124 Green 800T ... Bulletin 800T/H 30.5 mm Push Buttons800T/H Color Insert Kits Available on Selector switches with removable color inserts. Standard knob and knob levers use the same insert. If color Allis selected, a packet of color inserts will be furnished which includes one of each color. Color Insert kits can also be ordered with operators at no additional charge. Red 800T-N124 Green 800T ...
了解更多Allen-Bradley 800T-N316R 30mm Sel. Sw. Padlock Attachment 800T PB Y Allen-Bradley 800T-N316R 30mm Sel. Sw. Padlock Attachme More... Manufacturer: Rockwell Automation MFR Part #: 800T-N316R Revere Part #: 26199 UPC: 662468019699 UNSPSC: 39121512; Min Order Qty: 1 Qty. Interval: 1 Availability: Log In for Availability Your Price: Login For 800T/H Locking Attachments and Guards Revere Electric SupplyAllen-Bradley 800T-N316R 30mm Sel. Sw. Padlock Attachment 800T PB Y Allen-Bradley 800T-N316R 30mm Sel. Sw. Padlock Attachme More... Manufacturer: Rockwell Automation MFR Part #: 800T-N316R Revere Part #: 26199 UPC: 662468019699 UNSPSC: 39121512; Min Order Qty: 1 Qty. Interval: 1 Availability: Log In for Availability Your Price: Login For
了解更多Literature Library Rockwell Automation Literature Library Rockwell AutomationLiterature Library Rockwell Automation
了解更多M←S 800T-H5D1 800T-H19D1 800H-HR5D1 1 N.O. - 1 N.C. White A B O X X O M M 800T-H2A 800T-H17A 800H-HR2A S→M 800T-H4A 800T-H18A 800H-HR4A M←S 800T-H5A 800T-H19A 800H-HR5A Note: X = Closed/O = Open Target tables are reversed from those shown. 800 T – HA 2 A abcde a Protection Rating Code Description T Metal, Type 4/13 H 800 T – HA 2 AM←S 800T-H5D1 800T-H19D1 800H-HR5D1 1 N.O. - 1 N.C. White A B O X X O M M 800T-H2A 800T-H17A 800H-HR2A S→M 800T-H4A 800T-H18A 800H-HR4A M←S 800T-H5A 800T-H19A 800H-HR5A Note: X = Closed/O = Open Target tables are reversed from those shown. 800 T – HA 2 A abcde a Protection Rating Code Description T Metal, Type 4/13 H